by Georgina Archer
Posted: about 2 years ago
Updated: about 2 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Europe/London
Reminder: 3 days before
Ends: 09:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)


Dear Member,
I hope you have been keeping well and safe.
Now that the restrictions for meeting because of Covid have been lifted, we are able to revert to the traditional method of conducting the AGM at the Clubhouse.
The format is as in previous years, and to this end, the Notices of the meeting are attached. The financial accounts will be distributed in a few days.
The Club is looking for volunteers to take over as Membership Secretary. Also, two key committee members will be standing down – Chairman, John Blackburn and 200 Club Secretary, Stephanie Finch. Those wanting to put their names forward for the above roles please email
Alan Coe
Honorary Secretary
Brighton Football Club (RFU) Ltd
Mobile 07985 196383